Saturday, July 14, 2007

Problem facing the world today

Greater Inequality between Rich and Poor
Loss of Cultural Diversity
Global Climate Change
Man-made Illnesses

The facts: Our greatest scientists in all fields have acknowledged the dismal state of the environment and the urgent need for all of humanity to recognize the needs of the ecosystem that supports life on Earth. In 1992, some 1,700 of the world's leading scientists, including the majority of Nobel laureates in the sciences, issued a global appeal, known as The World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity, warning that time was running out to take action. Five years later, 1,500 scientists from 63 countries - including 110 Nobel Prize laureates and 60 US National Medal of Science winners, signed another petition, the 1997 "Call to Action." This document specifically asked world leaders to sign a global warming treaty at Koyoto. These scientists also warned the global community specifically about our agricultural practices in these reports and the grave toll they were taking on our environment. Since then, disturbing environmental reports have become common headlines and a recent report by the British government even used the word “apocalyptic” to describe future conditions that humanity will face if the situation is not remedied soon.

It is now clear that we must acknowledge the fast approaching limits to our use of resources and the amount of pollution we create. We must also take the necessary steps to create natural stability in all sectors of our economic system, especially the vital area of agriculture, if we are to survive. As can be seen by the double digit growth in organic food and the rising popularity of the fair trade market, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of this necessity for change. Companies and governments that take action to reduce pollution and secure supplies in a sustainable manner will increasingly be rewarded in the marketplace and on the world stage. The fact that these changes are market driven is probably the single most important reason that EcoFacilitation exists.

EcoFacilitation is the result of over four years of research and development, with direct and indirect contributions from well over a hundred people, representing experience in all levels of the supply chain. The ideas expressed within this website, and the EcoFacilitation story contained within, are based not only on the need for immediate action, but on logical feasibility assessments, research, testing, and all of the tools that high level expertise can bring to bear. Now that the “apocalyptic” reality of the situation that humanity is in is being reflected full force in the marketplace, and now that “money can be made” on this emerging awareness, we believe the time is ripe to align the way business works with consumers’ natural desire for a cooperative, holistic and sustainable world.

Ref:Why EcoFacilitation Exists – The State of the Earth

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